One year anniversary...also, V-day...
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Today is my one year annivesary at my job. Also its valentine's day. I may have a yearly review coming up today (maybe tomorrow), but either way, I know that tonight something will be going on. The wifey is pregnant, so probably no big dinner plans, but I'm sure something is in store.
Also, to celebrate my one year anniversary, yesterday I got here 5 minutes early...or 55 minutes late, depending on how you look at it. If you are my boss, you would see it as 55 minutes late. I was switched from 9a-6p to 8a-5p...but they forgot to tell me the exact day of the switch. Needless to say, today I as here at about 7:40.
Now I've got to get working...and find a new wallpaper for my desktop.
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