Diet and exercise...
Thursday, March 09, 2006
So I've lost 22.5 pounds since the day after the super bowl (February 6th). I'm still losing weight, but the actual numbers are diminishing. I have established a regular running schedule. Right now, I'm up to 2 miles a day, 5 days a week. I take off game days (basketball) and one other night that I'm usually already scheduled for something else. Besides, it gives me a 2 on/1 off, 3 on/1 off routine. Nice for the body to have a little time to recuperate. Still cant stop thinking about Javanilla. I definitely need to get two things for my coffee habits. First, a larger mixing/brewing bowl and second a larger/less hassle filtering system. Right now, I have the permafilter, which is awesome, but I have to sit there and pour in like a cup, wait for it to filter then pour in some more. Takes a while.
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