Really just a great movie...  

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

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8 comments: to “ Really just a great movie...

  • MSM
    9:56 AM  

    THAT's what I'm talking about.

  • Jford
    10:40 PM  

    Matt, I know this is way off topic, but did you ever break out the running shoes???

  • MSM
    8:42 AM  

    Mary has RUINED this computing family with her little MacBook. We H A T E Windows! HATE using our own computers.
    So, Russell, could you turn our pcs into Apples, please?

  • Matt
    8:59 AM answer to your question, no the running shoes have yet to make an appearance. We are starting a "biggest loser" type diet at work, so I'll be breaking them out this weekend or (more likely) early next week. I assume you will be attending my funeral?

  • Matt
    9:11 AM can switch to Mac OS today. Here is your to-do list: since you don't have any Apple branded hardware, any pc/laptop that you want to "run Mac OS," will have to be replaced with Apple hardware. Your desktop and the boy's (?) should come in at around $2k for lower level stuff. Of course you can just get Macbooks and it might be a little higher. If you want to run the latest and greatest Mac OS (Leopard 10.5), you'll need top notch hardware (ie - their lowend desktops/laptops probably wont run it). Also, since Mac OS is "so much greater" than the Windows, when you go to buy software, you'll be restricted to about a 20% section of the store (if you're lucky). Not saying its a bad move, but the hardware costs will be huge and you'll have to learn a bunch of new software.

  • MSM
    11:26 AM  

    But who buys software? Besides Luxor?

    And your reply sounds somewhat anti-apple. What is your preference? Vista is just wretched - there is a pop-up warning for EVERYTHING you do.

  • Matt
    12:07 PM  

    Seeing as how this has apparently become a hotly contested issue, I feel that a new post is in order.

  • Brandon
    2:11 AM  

    J..I'm thinking about buying a macbook laptop! We must chat, I'll call you tomorrow. Also, Matt, you should run with me. I'm starting running again to get back in basketball/futbol shape