You Better Run!  

Thursday, February 14, 2008

So, after we started the afore mentioned Losing Big Sensibly contest at work (copywright free version of Biggest Loser), I decided that to get into shape for basketball and flag football, I'd start running. I figured it would build endurance, burn calories and get me up and moving, which is always good.

The diet started January 14th. Now, I can't remember back that far, but I started running either the next week (21st) or the one after (28th). It really is sorta irrelevant, since I was only doing 20 minutes a day then. This week, I started running 25 minutes, tracking it on (thank you Memphis) and double checking distances on google maps (I know beginnertriathlete uses google maps, I just like to be unecessarily thorough/redundant).

So, counting only this week, which would include timed, distance tracked running, I am averaging 2.5 miles a day by 4 days a week. Through this morning (at about 6:20am), I had run 7.5 miles over a total of 1 hour and 15 minutes. Using my new Monday/Tuesday, Thursday/Friday plan, I should get 10 miles every week. Not too shabby for an old timer. Now, I just have to start tracking my weight on there...

Also, Widespread Panic's new album "Free Somehow" dropped on Tuesday. Once I finish my initial listen, I'll be posting a review. Go pick it up!

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4 comments: to “ You Better Run!

  • Jford
    11:12 PM  

    Isn't it a cool site! Keep building brother. When i started swimming in Oct, I was doing 3 laps, now I am doing 30 laps every morning. The one good thing about that site is that it does hold you accountable. I am using my yearly totals and mapping out a route on the maps to see how far I will run/swim in 08.

  • MSM
    9:45 AM

  • Matt
    12:04 PM  

    msm...nice! that was some funny stuff.

  • MSM
    1:25 PM  

    The Japanese know Reality T.V.

    Human Tetris should be an Olympic Sport.