There's one good dog sleeping filled with good ol' dog dreams
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Yesterday, Saturday May 24, 2008, I had to do one of the most difficult things that I've done in my 30 years so far on this earth: bury my dog Winnie. I know pretty much everyone that has ever owned a dog has experienced this, or at least the loss of a pet. I'm pretty sure I've helped others with their pet's final arrangements, but this is the first time it was for one of my own. There's a lot I'm going to try to get out here, and I'm sure that I will ramble (yes, more than usual) so please bare with me.
One thing that did not help, was the fact that its the first time I've had to do this. When I was a kid, we had a cat and he passed on while at the vet, so while I knew what had happened and was sad, I never had any first hand interaction in the situation. The next famiy cat we got is Rusty and he is still residing at Stately Babb Manor in Countrywood.
Fast forward to a little less than nine years ago, and Jessica and I, having already gotten Maggie, were worried that she was lonely as an only pet, and thought about seeking out a companion for her. Jessica visited our local vet, Vet Pets on a lunch break I believe. They had recevied some animals that were rescued from a puppy mill in Dyersburg, TN. She picked a funny looking Japanese Chin, that was white and brown and we named her Winnie. Having been at a puppy mill for who knows how long, she was not in perfect health to begin with, but the vet got her back in good working order and we took her home soon there after.
In the years that we had her, she escaped from the backyard (several times), escaped from Jessica's aunt's house (and was rescued and semi-kidnapped for a few days in East Memphis), been attacked by another dog (which caused her jaw to be out of shape and her tongue to hang out) and plenty of other highjinks.
While Maggie was technically my first dog, she was always more Jessica's than mine. I took Winnie under my wing the day we brought her home and she was always "my" dog. She was old and had certainly outlived plenty of my personal expectations. In the end, some sickness and mild injuries, and the resulting treatment, proved to be too much stress for her old body. She was a good dog and will be missed greatly.
I think any parent who has the means should get their kid/s a dog. Go to the pound and pick one out. We got one of our dogs from the pound and two of the other three (including Winnie) would probably have ended up there eventually had we not adopted them. Every child should have the opportunity to interact with a dog. They are loyal to a fault, purveyors of un-ending affection, provide a wealth of teaching material (through training and care taking) and are guaranteed to break your heart every time. That last one may sound like a bad one, but as an adult who had not experienced that heart break first hand before, it was a quite a shock for me. Even though it may be hard on a youngster, I think for me personally, even though I would not have wanted (nor had) any first hand experience with the arrangements, it would have taught me something about life, something valuable for a little further down the road. Sorry for the wall of text...
12:14 AM
I was sad to hear about Winnie. I would have to agree with you though, growing up I'm very glad I had my dogs. They were definitely a lot of fun to play with when friends couldn't come over or what not. I think it was a great experience.
9:12 PM
Dude, Sorry to hear about your dog. I also have a dog story and it really does suck to lose a friend. I remember when we got my dog Pepper when I was about 8, and I also remember having to leave her at the vet when I was 18. No easy way to do that.
With that being said, it was a very special time for me when i got my boys a dog from the pound. We all went and looked one day before his birthday and found the one he wanted. When we came home and he was still talking about her, I knew we needed to get that dog for our family. So on his birthday I went to the pound, did the necessary paperwork and got my boys a dog. My wife and I snuck the dog in the backyard and that is when the boys noticed something running around the backyard! It was an exciting time.
I know there will be a day when my boys have their own story, which it almost seems like a rite of passage in a way.