Back on the wagon
Monday, September 15, 2008
Or is it back off the wagon? Whichever the good one is, I'm there. I'm sure this will serve as a bevy of post material for one Jaymz Dean, but I felt the need to announce this, in order to get my whole "social accountability" thing going again.
Monday, September 15, 2008 - distance: 3.28 miles; time: 33 minutes, 43 seconds; knee and ankle condition afterward: dangerously close to breaking
Obviously, this is only one day, but I am a firm believer that it is much easier to continue running than to stop. When I was running 4-5 times a week at the start of the year, sometimes I would not be able to sleep well, if I knew I was "off" the following morning. I felt that even 1 day's rest (although very much needed and appreciated) was the first step towards being a non-runner. This time around, I'm going to try to stick to a 2on/1off approach and get my time down.
Another "obvious" thing is that the family vacation is over. I meant to post while in Florida, but was happily distracted by other things. I will get some recap/pictures up as soon as I can, but you know Jessica has all the real goods anyway, so just head over there.
9:49 AM
Alright Alright alrrriiigghhhtttt! Glad to see you are back pounding the pavement! We still need to firm up or plan for a 5K sometime soon, maybe 1st of Nov...