
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Here's a little something for the technophiles out there. Everyone else, feel free to ignore, since you'll probably write it off as boring.

I've used a ton of different bit torrent clients in my day and just about decided that BitTornado was the best. It is lightweight, isn't a memory hog, has customizable speed options and probably a ton of other features that I'm not even using.

However, for the last couple of days, I've been using μTorrent, and even though it hasn't been very long, I must say that I'm very impressed. It has an easy to use gui, uses almost no memory (the faq claims that it'll stay below 6mb most of the time...I have two torrents running right now and its sitting at 2.4mb) and, one of my favorite features, it can handle multiple torrents in one window, as opposed to BitTornado, which required a separate instance of the program for each torrent you were running.

I'm not saying that μTorrent is perfect, or that I'll never use BitTornado again. I just thought I would spread the word about a cool, new to me program. It's been around for a couple of years now, so I'm sure most of you are already using it. For the rest of you, head here.

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