Year-end wrapup  

Monday, January 19, 2009

Ok, so I had been planning on this massive, year end update, that was (of course), cut up into easily digestible pieces, that would get you up to speed on how my year ended, what goals I accomplished, what new things I had discovered and what my broad brush plans for 2009 were.

Of course, I procrastinated, and ended up with a two week old plan that was starting to stink up the joint like a two week old fish.

Thus, enter my new plan: year-end wrapup, turbo edition. We'll cover a topic each day, which will give you less to sift through everyday, and give me some "free" posts for the coming days. Without further ado, our first topic:

Health: I lost 50 pounds in 2008. I can't say that I have not put a couple of those back on due to holidays/birthdays/etc (August 22-January 6 is basically my "death valley" for food/diet - Charlotte's Birthday, Jessica's Birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's and my Birthday; plus this year's addition of my business trip to Asheville and the home team's move to a new building made for a literal calorie explosion). All things considered, I think I did quite well, plus the lessons I learned during my 50 pound drop have "caught on," and now I know how to lose or not gain weight, even while not technically dieting.

Want to know what the next topic is, tune in tomorrow for the next post!

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