Achievement unlocked: Destroy 2008  

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Well, as you may or may not be able to tell from the title of this post, this morning I broke my mileage total from 2008. For ALL of 2008. Despite my Tweet from earlier today, I did not, in fact, break my time record. I'm still about 3 minutes shy of that. For your perusal, I present a table of my totals for 2008 and to date for 2009:

Time26 hours, 45 minutes, 18 seconds26 hours, 42 minutes, 10 seconds

Yes, you should totally fear my l33t table making skills (/sarcasm) and if you don't think I'll get out and run for at least 3 minutes and 9 seconds tomorrow, then you're clearly nuts. I'll try to tone down my running posts going forward until we reach the major milestone (big gulp)...or until I break a leg.

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