Electronic eye
Monday, August 10, 2009
Ok, retailers of the world, listen up. If you are going to convert your "facilities" to having electronic eye, motion activated fixtures, please just save up your money and do it all at once. I have enough trouble holding my hands under non-motion activated faucets for like 5 minutes, until I realize I have to actually turn the water on, old school style (ie - with my hand). I don't need to have a "mixed bag," of automagic sink, but old school paper towel dispenser. And we won't even discuss the othre "fixture." Let's just agree, that you won't upgrade any of it, until you can afford to upgrade all of it, deal?
9:12 AM
Sooooo with you on that! Let's add airports to that list as well. And what's with the toilet flushing (auto) before you are even done?! It'll flush 3 times before I'm even out.....and people waiting in line are so hoping that I'm not working their flight when I emerge a whole minute after I went in. Thanks for the bad rap auto flusher!!!!! Geez!!
9:41 AM
Oh don't even get me started on airports. Their restrooms are pretty bad. You know what's worse though? Airplane restrooms. Actually, airline employees are pretty bad too, you know. ;)