What once was old...  

Monday, November 30, 2009

So, a friendly warning about creating your own Blogger.com template...

I though I had all of my html-powered bases covered, and was ready to pull the trigger on Driving > Disco's glorious makeover, when I encountered a series of snags, each one more annoying than the previous one and twice as annoying as the following one.

That is to say, my home grown blogger template is experiencing some technical difficulties at the moment, but should be back soon. In the mean time, I've rearranged the deck chairs on the Titanic and plopped out this old default template, for your perusal. I'm sure there will be mass rioting, tearing of garments and gnashing of teeth, while some (if not all) services are in various states of disrepair. But know this, I will get D>D back into good working order as soon as I can.

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1 comments: to “ What once was old...

  • Brandon
    11:10 PM  

    It's not possible for each problem to be both more annoying than the previous one and twice as annoying as the following one. KobeBryant4EverLOLzzz