Happy Memorial Day  

Monday, May 31, 2010

Today is Memorial Day, a day set aside to commemorate the men and women of the US armed forces who died while in military service.  

As I was preparing my MusicMonday post for today (which will come later today), I thought about pinning on a "happy Memorial Day" headline or tag, and then moving right along.  But, after thinking about the actual reason that we are out barbecuing, as opposed to being at work, I decided that it was more than deserving of a standalone post, not that a simple blogpost could ever even begin to speak the appreciation that the day deserves.

So, to anyone reading that is or has served in the military, or has family that is or has served in the military, or heaven forbid, made the ultimate sacrifice therein, a heartfelt thank you is in order.  Words really cannot express the gratitude that the rest of the American people should all have!

God bless America!

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