Has it really been 6 days?  

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I've slacked off for a week? That doesnt surprise me that much I guess, I just figured I would've gotten on here and said "Hi" or something.

Anywho, we lost another game in our league last night (now 1-2) but it didnt bother me too much. All the guys on my team are good friends of mine, and I know it sounds corny, but I'd rather lose with them than win with some other guys. Unless the other guys are rich...and generous.

Also, I've decided that maybe I've been a jerk my whole life, as opposed to my general thinking that everyone else is the jerk. With that in mind, last night I had what alcoholics refer to as a moment of clarity. I have decided to adopt two new standards in life. First, the old "kill 'em with kindness" concept. I'll be nice beyond belief. I know that will set me up for some falls, but I think I'm old enough not to nice my way into some dumb situation. I'll be nice, but not stupid. Second, I'm going to start giving people the benefit of the doubt. In retrospect, its something that I've pretty much expected from others, but never really given to others. Some guy cuts me off in traffic, maybe he was driving his pregnant wife to the hospital. Somebody skips me in line at moe's, he was probably more hungry than I was. Somebody stabs me while asking me for directions, then proceeds to mug me, he probably needed the money (and my life blood) more than I did. Some of those might fall under that "nice but not stupid" section.

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1 comments: to “ Has it really been 6 days?

  • Scott Chen in a Handbag
    8:35 AM  

    That is how I try to live my life. And yes, there are some falls. But you know what? We sleep very well, knowing we are nice people. :D

    Kill them with kindness!