Hardwork and dedication...  

Thursday, April 06, 2006

...I've got them both. Guess that's not enough when you accidentally mass email people, but screw what that guy said at my last place of employment. As a special treat to you, and just because I mentioned it earlier today, I am going to taste test my very first Coke Blak, live online on D>D just for the entertainment of my readers! Now for the full review. First off, Coke Blak comes in 8 oz. glass bottles, which I think will make it difficult for it to catch on. Drinks come in 12 oz. and 20 oz. and not much else as far as the convenience consumer has in mind. As an added detraction, since its in a smaller (and glass) bottle, its not in with the other Coke products in the 20 oz. plastic world, but over in the weird, oddly shaped container bin. I kid you not, the place where I found it (cant reveal my sources or you will buy them all out from underneath me) had it in a refrigerated case that also contained Starbucks Doubleshot and whatever they call they iced Mochas (not so weird), all the "energy drinks": Full Throttle, Red Bull, Axe (ok that last one may be a deodorant, but still not all that weird), some dairy products like milk, eggs and cheese (getting out of hand) and finally some hot dogs and ham (wheels have officially come off). All they needed in there now was some motor oil and charcoal and we'd have an official mini-convenience store within the real convenience store. Anywho, its a regular blend (not diet, 12 carbs/12 sugars/45 calories...for those of you counting) and has a pretty good aroma. Tastes kinda like Coke and coffee mixed, which I guess is the idea. Sorta has a caramel aftertone. Overall, I'm going to have to give it 3.75 OCDs out of 5. Its really good and I'll definitely get it again, but I dont know that I would go out of my way to get it. Wow, I feel like I really over-hyped it. Go out and get one. Let me know what you think.

I guess it would've been much more effective of me to get an application while I was at the BP...DANGIT.

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