Still no job...  

Thursday, April 06, 2006

...still no Coke Blak. I'm not sure which one depresses me more. Well, thats not quite true. The "still no job" is much more depressing. I've had a sneaking suspicion for a while, but I'm just about certain that I am done with corporate America. No offense to anyone involved, but I just cant do it. I cant work somewhere for the next 45 years, trying to kiss all the right butts and try to out-impress my coworkers so that my boss will give me a raise instead of firing me (with a pregnant wife...). I dont know what it is, but I've got to do something else. Open my own business, write books/songs/movies, art...maybe the Grizzlies will finally call me, who knows, but whatever it is, I cant work at a desk for the next 4 decades of my life. Sorry, I'm out.

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1 comments: to “ Still no job...

  • Scott Chen in a Handbag
    3:23 PM  

    I know what you mean. That is why I tell people I have two jobs. The one that pays me.. and then there is the really important one. I want to be in full time ministry so bad...

    If I could be a writer and support myself in the meantime, that would be great. However, how in the heck do you break into that field?! ;)