"On my watchlist"
Friday, November 23, 2007
Happy Belated Thanksgiving Day! I'm introducing a new item in honor of the festive day, a feature I like to call "On my watchlist." On My Watchlist will be a way of detailing new items that have caught my attention or that I'm just starting to like, etc. Here is the official first item on my watchlist: Feist. Ever since I heard the song "1234" in the iPod Nano commercial, and then later on SNL, it has kinda been stuck in my head. I grabbed the album and have been impressed. I guess the whole "on my watchlist" system, will serve as a medium level between "it or they are ok" and "OMG I LOVE IT." That way, I can always say after the fact that I was not pulled into liking something just because it was popular, but rather it was on my watchlist and then fell off. Just kidding. Its just a way to show rising (and possibly falling) interest levels in things.
10:24 PM
You said OMG.
12:44 PM
Holy crap, you're gay.