Festivus miracle?
Friday, December 21, 2007
Ladies and gentlemen, last night, Thursday, December 20th, 2007, we were witness to what will go down as one of the greatest Christmas presents I have ever received. My good friend (well I guess now my best friend) Brandon, got me an Xbox360. The Halo 3 special edition no less! I am basically in awe. Outside of my parents, no one has really ever bought me something that nice. Hats off to Brandon!
10:23 AM
Brandon has also graciously offered to let Matt come live with him when I kick him and that XBox out.
11:11 PM
Can I get Brandon's number?
10:04 AM
I don't think he's on an xbox buying spree...but I'll check for you man!
8:31 PM
haha there isn't too much room left in the upstairs and I think Matt might have to battle Jimmy for it. I think ol' jimbo is still a bit upset about the whole Xbox thing!