Halo 3 Fever
Monday, December 17, 2007
I'll be the first one to admit that I have made some disparaging remarks about the Halo franchise before (not in this space). Ever since Goldeneye, I have been kinda down on FPS's in general. Plus, it seems like they are all pretty much the same. Enter Halo 3. I've played at a couple of buddy's houses and am completely addicted. I don't think its that much different than any other FPS, and maybe its just the first one that I've given a fair shake to, but whatever the reason, I officially love Halo 3.
Now the only problem...no Xbox360. Please make donations payable to the "Matt Babb Xbox360 fund," at the following address...
11:18 AM
Matt, forget teh Xbox and go for the Wii. I know my wife got Guitar Hero III for me and I have heard awesome things about that game.
12:04 PM
dude. i need 360 too.
1:44 PM
Guitar Hero is the greatest game ever.