Weekly wrapup  

Sunday, January 13, 2008

No, I'm not ready to dive into the the 2nd & 3rd parts of the great (mediocre?) "Windows vs Linux vs Mac OS" mega-post, but I am ready to post some cleanup from the last week.

First, I'm planning on posting 4 times a week from now on. I hope they do not become "here is obligatory post #3," etc. Right now, it seems like I post either every day, or like once every 5 days. I made a post (irony) on here a while back that said I wanted to guarantee daily posts. I still might make it up to that, but right now, I'm setting the "100% satisfied or your money back" guarantee to 4 posts a week.

Second, I'm pretty sure I will create my own blogger template in the coming days (lets be honest, weeks). I've been thinking about changing templates for a while, but never pulled the trigger. I haven't even converted to the new widget-based layout, so I'm really behind. I like some of the new widgets from blogger and from other people, and if I understand correctly, you have to be on the new layout to use them, so I'm sure I'll be switching sooner or later. I'm not nuts about their template offerings, thus the plan to create my own. Just giving you fair warning. Didn't want all my readers (all 6 of you) to come by one day and be all shocked.

Third, the "master plan," will be unveiled tomorrow. I could probably slap it up here right now, but that wouldn't be very sporting of me, now would it? This way, I get time to polish it up a little and build some suspense in the process.


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2 comments: to “ Weekly wrapup

  • MSM
    10:40 AM  

    As you make these changes, I wanna know how you create your own template and what widgets you are talking about.
    I already know enough about the "master plan" - I know it involves ficus leaves, and that's all I really need. (Sorry if that was a spoiler for your other 5 readers. . . )

  • Brandon
    11:30 PM  

    I think 5 is being pretty generous...