Weekly wrapup
Saturday, January 19, 2008
I know, you were expecting the regular Sunday night weekly wrapup, but since committing to the "4 posts a week," rule, I noticed that I have not posted once!
For this week's wrapup, lets start with the world of sports. The #1 ranked UNC Tar Heels lost to Maryland tonight, meaning that if the #2 ranked U of M Tigers can hold on against Southern Miss (79-40 with 2:37 remaining right now), that they should move to #1 tomorrow. In football news, the undefeated New England Patriots will look to make it 18-0 as they host the San Diego Chargers. I, for one, welcome the New England Patriots dynasty that is upon us.
In video game news, I finally made Lieutenant in Halo 3, achieving a skill ranking of 10. Since that also lowered my experience point requirements, I'll be ranked up a level after about 9 more experience points.
Finally, in health news, I've managed to maintain my 2000 calorie diet for a full week. The "Losing Big Sensibly" contest at work now has a $1200 pot. There are 30 participants, meaning that we went to the 1st/2nd/3rd prize format. First prize gets 60% ($700), second prize gets 25% ($300) and third prize gets 15% ($180). So, basically, between now and April 15th, I won't be eating anything! Tonight I did go a little overboard, but I also played basketball for an hour or so earlier in the day, so I think I had some "negative calories," that counter-acted any overage I had at the dinner table.
More news tomorrow.
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