Odds and ends...  

Thursday, February 07, 2008

I'm so glad I decided on the "4 posts a week," rule. I've totally been able to live up to it. Like I've always said, if I don't live up to the "4 posts a week," rule, I'll gladly refund your money + 10%!

Lets add "Odds and ends," to the short (but growing) list of regular favorites around here. Not quite a weekly wrapup, but also, not quite a standalone post. More of a miniature state of the blog address.

I've been running last week and this week. I've pretty much settled into a 2 on, 1 off, 2 on, 2 off regimen. I'm running Monday & Tuesday, off Wednesday, back at it on Thursday & Friday and off for Saturday & Sunday. However, I have committed to doing something exercisey over the weekend: weights, aerobics, bike...pretty much anything other than running.

For the Losing Big Sensibly contest at work, (our "copywright-free" version of the Biggest Loser), I'm in 1st place at 4.3% lost. I don't have the numbers in front of me, but I've lost between 15 and 20 pounds sense we started on January 14th. I know some of you engineering types will now use those figures to calculate my original weight. Well, knock yourself out. I don't care who knows my weight! What am I, a woman?

In the Halo 3 arena, I've made it to skill 23 and currently a captain, grade 2. Finally got a "Bulltrue!" medal the other night (killing an opponent who is in the act of a sword lunge), which is something, since I figured that it was basically impossible. Here's hoping I make Major, before Captain, grade 3!

Well, I've gotta get the kiddo out of the tub and into the bed so I can get my Lost on.

Talk at ya later! (posts this weekend...I promise!)

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1 comments: to “ Odds and ends...

  • Brandon
    11:42 AM  

    I saw you let your hair get long until the last day of the contest, then cut it for an extra boost!