Out of the loop  

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sorry about being out of the loop. I got so tied up in preparing my 3/11 celebration for yesterday, that I didn't have any time to post. Nah, I'm just kidding, I've been working and just generally busy.

So, in lieu of the Weekly Wrapup that I missed, here is a giant run down of events:

-Biggest Loser: I hit a major milestone Monday (3/10) and have not regressed since
-Exercise: upped my morning run to 3.28 miles a day, 4 days a week, that puts me at just over 13 miles a week.
-Halo 3: still a Captain, grade 2 and stuck on level 25. The good news, since I started playing ranked doubles from the Valentine's Day tourney, I've gotten up to level 24 there, so there is still hope for getting to Major before Captain, grade 3

Also, I have some pictures of Charlotte in the snow from last Friday that I'll post in a bit. Whats that you're saying, "4 times a week?" I thought that was "once every 4 weeks." Communication issues.

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