Weekly wrapup [WARNING: basically 100% Halo content]  

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Well, its been a while since the last Weekly Wrapup (although, surprisingly it hasn't been that long since my last post), so get ready.

How do I usually begin these things...oh yeah, with some Halo 3 news. Well, I've made it up to the precipice of Major...level 29, in Team Doubles. After meeting up with some new people on Bungie's website that have a pretty good group going, I've managed to get up to 23 or 24 in Team Slayer, so there's still hope for me in other game types. Plus I've gotten Ranked BTB going and I haven't even touched Lone Wolves yet. Of course, it wouldn't be right for me not to mention the big day that is coming up on Tuesday...that's right, its the release of the Legendary Map Pack from Bungie! It breaks down to $10 for 3 maps, which is a little steep, software wise (imo), and it does pretty much support the whole "downloadable content for extra $" idea that I have been against (and still am, technically). But I think about it this way: 1. Bungie said they do not know of a plan to make the Legendary Map Pack free, the way the Heroic Map Pack was. Probably just fear mongering, but its worth something right? 2. The developer's probably do put in a lot of time making these maps. I'm sure it seems like "just come up with a scene, throw some weapons on it and stick on XBL," but I'm sure as any software developer will tell you, there is a lot more to it. Don't they deserve some compensation? 3. It is only $10. I know I'm broke and all, but that's not that much money. Am I crazy? 4. It'll add some new playability to the game. As much as I have trouble admitting it, H3 won't be relevant forever. 3 new maps will add a lot of depth to it. 5. My new group mates will definitely be downloading it and I'll want to play with them. 6. Kinda petty, but not everyone will be downloading it, so if they do release it to the general population, hopefully I'll already be excellent at the new territories and can kill people on them with reckless abandon.

I guess I've rationalized this enough for one night. I've got some pictures of Charlotte from the night of the Tigers v UCLA game. Have to put 'em up later though.

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