
Sunday, June 08, 2008

This past Wednesday, June 4th 2008, I was able to cross the first item off an old list. That's right, since January 14th 2008, I have lost 50 pounds. The following picture is a visual representation of the number 50, not the way I managed to lose that much weight. That was all on account of my lovely wife, Jessica. She came up with my plan, found and cooked low calorie meals and was a general source of support/inspiration. Next up...#2 on that list!

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15 comments: to “ 50

  • Jford
    11:39 PM  

    50lbs! Wow, that is awesome, great job.

    I was wondering though, how many little boxes of NERDS do you think it would take to equal 50 lbs??

  • Brandon
    12:25 AM  

    where do I rank on the list since I always encourage you to stop eating desserts at our house?

  • Matt
    8:35 AM  

    Wow, a little boxes of nerds question? That is a very random thing to assume that I eat. I mean, to pick candy in the first place, then narrow it down to Wonka, then down to Nerds, then down to the little mini boxes...I mean, that is just a spot-on guess. You couldn't have gotten any more accurate even if someone's wife were to have complained about it or something...hmm?

    And I do like me some Nerds. I think my favorite is grape, but they have these little yellow ones that are like "lemonade-coated wild cherry" I think...they are delicious. I still indulge myself every once in a while, and I don't know how many it would take to equal 50 pounds....I'll let you know if I ever put that weight back on! w00t!

  • Matt
    8:36 AM  

    Brandon, you rank very close to the top. You have encouraged me and the Xbox has provided me with all sorts of calorie burning anger and frustration, so that never hurts!

  • Jford
    2:35 PM  

    No, I am not that good of a guesser, I just read alot of blogs in my off time. I never did get your little thing before you 86'ed it.

  • Matt
    3:09 PM  

    Yeah, Jessica put the kibosh on it, saying it was too obscure for anyone to pick up on. If you really want to know, I'll fill you in.

  • Jessica
    3:13 PM  


    Nerds mini box= 50 calories
    3500 calories= 1 pound

    9 mini boxes a day= 50 lbs in a year
    5 mini boxes a day=50 lbs in 2 years

    Now, granted I haven't seen Matt eat 9 boxes a day but it just shows how quickly it can add up!

    Brandon- eating advice from someone who can eat an entire box of Oreo Cakesters in one sitting? Priceless.

  • Matt
    3:26 PM  

    Wow, I think this post is officially on fire! I'd like to thank all my readers, my editor, my producer, oh there's just not enough time.

    Also, I don't think I've had 9 boxes of Nerds in my life combined.

  • Jford
    4:18 PM  

    Yeah I wanna know!

    double digit posts right? How do ya do it????

  • Matt
    4:22 PM  

    Double digit posts is easy. You just have to dig through your own posts and bump yourself without any shame. People will talk bad about you and, in my case, throw garbage at you when they see you walking down the street, but those are the breaks. You do what you have to do, when you have to do it!

  • Brandon
    8:59 PM  

    I like how I'm the skinniest/fittest person involved in this post and people still trash talk me! oh well, next time i see matt i'll throw trash at him

  • Jessica
    1:31 PM  

    Brandon dear, just because you are young and therefore your metabolism is still kicking in high gear- I have seen the way you eat and quite frankly, it is a miracle you haven't died of SCURVY.

    Regular Coke, Oreo Cakesters, Salt, Cheese, and an otherwise all-carb diet will catch up with you.

    Mark my words.

    Being skinny doesn't equal being healthy.

    Same goes for you Matt Babb- being skinny doesn't matter if you don't eat foods that are healthy for you and just junk.

  • Matt
    1:34 PM  

    I think I speak for everyone when I say SUCK IT TREBEK!

  • I One the Sandbox
    11:26 AM  

    >9 mini boxes a day= 50 lbs in a year
    >5 mini boxes a day=50 lbs in 2 years

    Nice math! I feel like I should point out (since i've been doing the research) that that only applies to excess or lack...

    You only gain the weight if you left everything else the same (food intake, calories burned, etc.) and THEN at 5 or 9 mini boxes a day. :)

    I know everyone probably says "duh!"...but I had to recalculate when it sank in that just because I burned "300 "calories, that didn't mean I actually "burned" 300 calories...I Had to subtract from that amount how many calories I would have burned anyway.

    Stupid pounds.

    How many calories do we burn typing?

    Oh, and good job mat. I showed Megan your picture...you look like you did in high school!


  • Matt
    11:43 AM  

    "I'll prove it like a theorem!"

    Nice work Jon. At this point, with all the traffic that it is generating, I think this post might be due for its own blog.
