Thursday, August 07, 2008
We all knew it was happening, I guess it just takes the "official" announcement to make it really sink in. Brett Favre, the face of the Packers, is now a New York Jet. As I mentioned before, I don't see this ending well for either side. Barring some sort of miracle, the Jets will be mediocre at best this year (I'd be surprised if they made the playoffs) and #4 will play a season or two before realizing he is too old. Then cue up the sentimental music as Brett signs a one day contract with Green Bay, in order to "retire as a Packer." NYJ gets a legendary QB that had a miracle season last year, but the team really did over achieve and make use of synergy. I don't see either any of the three of them (GB, NYJ or Brett Favre personally) having a good season.
As a side note, due to some "new math" on Blogger's part, my last post was not my 200th post. In fact, after counting the listed posts in the archives, I was left with 198. Whilst looking in the dashboard, I see 200, but 3 of those are unpublished drafts, which should leave me at 197. Confused yet? I am. Anywho, I think I'm going to go with the official archive count listed below and to the right. It only shows posted posts (novel idea) and it should ring me up at 199 today, counting this post. For those of you who were erroneously told to suck it yesterday, please forgive me. Though, this is your last chance: my next post will be #200. I think I shall make a big to do over it, since we haven't had one of those in a while.
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