Ladies & gentlemen, your Oklahoma City Thunder
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Not that I can support the manly Oklahoma City franchise in the least, but, in the interest of spreading information, I present to you the 2008 Seattle Supersonics, heretofore known as the Oklahoma City Thunder. The logo is actually not all that bad, and I'm sure I'll forget about their transgressions soon enough, about the same time the NBA expands into Seattle, names the team the Supersonics and the circle of life is completed. Oh well.
2:26 PM
The name is not that bad actually...
3:56 PM
It's really not. And the color scheme and whatnot look fairly decent. Guess I'll have to see the jerseys in real life to judge accordingly.
That being said, I still can't shake the feeling that Seattle's basketball team was forcibly removed and we are all just standing around watching.
I know, I know. Pro sports teams are basically just a fantasy world for those of us watching. And they do move and there is nothing we can do about it. It just seems like it sucks. I guess if the people of Seattle dont care, I shouldnt.
7:03 PM
Seattle wiil always be the "Reign Man" Shawn Kemp and "GP" Gary Payton to me.
They have been gone far to long, so Seattle has slipped a bit, especially since they lost Ray Allen!