Weekly Update  

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ok, so this probably won't be as good as the weekly updates from the "good old days," but it'll have to do. I've been pretty busy this month, which will hopefully explain my lack of activities and posts.

I missed the St. Jude/Memphis Grizzlies 5k back on December 6th, because I was at Jessica's family's Christmas party/family reunion. It was on the way to this festival in Northern Tennessee (right across the street from Kentucky), that we learned that GPS is not always, 100% accurate. To be fair, the place we were going to was in the middle of nowhere, but it has been there for a while, so you would think its location would be known. Both our Tom Tom and Jenny's Garmin each led us to the same spot...the same wrong spot, so you can't really blame Tele Atlas or Navteq individually.

Then, last week, I was in Asheville, NC for a work thing. It was rainy there for most of the week, but they had apparently not had much rain recently, so it was definitely needed.

Tonight, some of our good friends, as well as my office, are having their Christmas parties. We are planning on making appearances at both, but I guess it will all depend on how the timing works out at both.

I've got about 7 days of work left before I'm off for Christmas, then PTO'ing until January 2nd. Surely I'll have some more time for postings throughout the rest of the year.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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