Where Apple meets music from commercials  

Monday, December 01, 2008

So, I know I haven't posted in a while, but this is not just one of those "filler" posts. I was looking back through all my various posts about music I had first been exposed to on commercials. Though there have been many different commercials, advertising many different wares, the one common thread would have to be Apple.

I don't know if it is my new found iPhone lust that is making me easily influenced by the Apple ad agency or what, but it seems that music from any of their recent commercials hooks me in no time. I've dug up some evidence and I promise I'll try to keep things as chronological as possible here, but I'm sure I'll get something out of order.

I'd say the first one I remember was for the Macbook Air with Yael Naim's "New Soul."

Next up we have a video iPod refresh with Feist on "1234."

These next few did not have individual blog posts on here (at least not yet), but have all moved quickly from the Watch List to a spot on my regular rotation. Chairlift did "Bruises" for the latest iPod nano refresh.

I believe the iPod Touch's bump to 32gb brought about The Asteroids Galaxy Tour's "Around the Bend," which is so new, they don't even have their album out yet (but I still love this song).

Lastly, since the iPhone's jump to 3G, a particular song has been playing in the background of nearly all commercials for it. Usually in instrumental form, the latest spot, which touts the Shazam client for the iPhone, feature The Submarines' "You, me & the Bourgieosie." These guys are currently on my daily playlist and I still can't get enough of them.

Speaking of Shazam, there website has a great tool called Music Explorer, that'll let you plug in an artist or songname and will show you a graphical display of related or similar acts that you might enjoy. I'm sure there have been other tools like this before, but I figure I'd throw it out there, for your perusal.

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2 comments: to “ Where Apple meets music from commercials

  • Becca Hoover
    4:22 PM  

    Is it just me or does it seem that all of the songs chosen have the same kind of sound to them? Most of them are sung by a female and they all have some kind of ding ding ding beat to them, with exception to the "Around the Bend" song. Holden loves this beat. It is the ding ding ding beat at the beginning of "You, me & the Bourgieosie" that he loves. No matter where he is in the house or what he is doing, he has to stop and come look at the television. It is the same response that he used to have to the theme song for the Olympics and King of the Hill. Actually, he now has to come into the livingroom and dance to King of the Hill. It is really cute.

  • Matt
    12:52 PM  

    I guess its Apple's way (or at least their advertiser's way) of saying "look at how upbeat or hip" we are. Whatever it is, I think its working. My iPhone lust is at an all time high (can't wait until March 1, 2009!) and I'm starting to think I need to switch to Mac. Can I just send them a bag with a big dollar sign on the side of it and get it over with?

    And, I think you definitely need to get some video of Holden grooving to King of the Hill. That is too funny! Charlotte used to dance to the Tennessee lotto commercials, when they had that "dancing-frog-esque" tune on them. Classy!