Year-end wrapup...part three  

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I know if I put the video game section at the end, then you'll all just skip it, so I'm going to sandwich it between some "fan favorites," so that you'll have to read it! Well, I guess you still don't have to read it, but at least you'll be exposed to it.

Video games:

Halo - I attained the rank of Commander, grade 2. I made it to level 35 in Lone Wolves, before they changed it to 8 players. I'm not trying to blame the playlist, but with that many people running around, you're dying every other minute. I think my next highest rank is 23, so I may be a Commander for a good long time.

(I named this category 'video games' and not just 'halo,' because I have started to branch back out. I got NCAA Football 09 for Christmas [thank you Jon!] and have guided the Memphis Tigers to 9-0 and a #11 ranking, before the SMU game. I've also really gotten into GTA IV lately.)

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