Michael Vick signs 2 year deal with Eagles  

Thursday, August 13, 2009

ESPN reports that ex-con Michael Vick has signed a 2 year deal with the Philadelphia Eagles. What other city would embrace such a social pariah than the city of brotherly love. Don't get me wrong, I'm a full believer in paying one's debt to society and the opportunity at a second (or more) chances, but something about this seems wrong.

On one hand, as Gregg Easterbrook has pointed out, Vick can be made out to be a victim of his environment, like any young, sports star, never having heard the word "no," and always getting whatever they want. He also touches on something close to home to a lot of us, the fact that many Americans have no problem with hunting for sport or the meat industry(scroll down to the Atlanta Falcons section), when both of these employ many of the same methods that Vick and other members of dog fighting rings use, only on a much larger scale.

On the other hand, you have Donte Stallworth, who commits DUI manslaughter, but is only suspended (albeit without pay) for 1 season. You cannot make me believe that any non sports star could commit DUI manslaughter and not only serve a mere 30 days in jail, but also not have any longer lasting repercussions than having to sit out there job for a year. Beyond that, as soon as Stallworth has missed this season, he will be right back on the field, making millions of dollars, whereas a non sports star, having been out of work for a year, would have that much more difficult of a time getting work.


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2 comments: to “ Michael Vick signs 2 year deal with Eagles

  • Brian
    9:29 PM  

    Oakland. Oh, that was a rhetorical question, wasn't it? Actually I don't remember seeing a question mark at all. The man paid his debt - both to society and financially - I don't want him on our beloved NFL team, but leave the man alone and let him play. Let's go after a real criminal: Ray Lewis literally got away with murder.

  • Brian, Lz, Em and Ry
    9:33 AM  

    A can of worms my boy.....a can of worms.