#MusicMonday - 8.24.09 - Watson Twins  

Monday, August 24, 2009

What is that sinking feeling? Oh it must be Monday. And with the stink that is Monday comes a minute ray of hope. A reminder that it's not that bad. A sign that, things are going to get better. A promise of...oh ok, enough of this crap, let's get on to the goods.

MusicMonday is upon us and I'm set to unleash one of my new favorite songs. The Watson Twins are a musical act (not an indie rock group, for those of you keeping score at home) out of Los Angeles, specializing in the country and folk genres. I heard about them on my usual source, playing the Cure's hit "Just Like Heaven." I've long been a closet Cure fan, so anytime I hear someone covering of their tracks, I have to give it a listen and judge it accordingly. If you take into account my little known love of the Cure, my well known love of alt country and my lingering love of regular country, I think you can figure out for yourself how much I love this song.

First up, their original rendition of the song, albeit unfortunately not the official video (I'm not sure what this "private practice" is, but from the looks of the poster, it must be boring):

Youtube linkery.

And, for a more dynamic look and listen of the pair, here they are performing live and acoustically at WNRN in Charlottesville, VA:

Youtube link for the embedded video impaired.

Check out their "official" home page: thewatsontwins.com and, as much as I hate to direct traffic to the following website, their Myspace page.

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