#MusicMondayTuesday - 9.1.09 - Black Moth Super Rainbow  

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Just when I had a streak of successive posts going, an extra busy Monday sneaks in and breaks my combo. Anyway, I guess that makes this the first #MusicTuesday, right? Well, even as one streak comes to an end, a new one is created. This will be the second week in a row that I'm not posting about an indie band. And don't think you are getting off lightly either, cause this time we are going a little further down the weird scale. All the way to "experimental."

Black Moth Super Rainbow (yes, you read that right)is an experimental band from Pittsburgh, PA, that has been around since 2002. Various members and incarnations of the group have apparently been functional since way back in 1996, but today, we'll be focusing on the existing BMSR. When I say they are "experiemental," I mean it in every since of the word. I can't really compare them to any single musical act that I'm familiar with...you sort of just have to hear them for yourself.

In my usual, polite way, I've hyperlinked their "official" band page, as well as their label's page, in case you decide you like them so much, that you want to go out and book them for your next birthday party or something. Now onto the musics!

First up is what I assume to be the first single from their newest album "Eating Us." The song is entitled "Born on a day the sun didn't rise."

Youtube linkage.

Following that is, from my initial listening to the album, my favorite track "Twin of Myself." (This is not an "official" video, as far as I know...actually, I guess I'm not 100% sure that the above is either, but it looked like it was so, there's that.)

Link for the embedded video impaired.

I guess I could link their facebook, myspace, twitter, linked-in, plaxo, geocities and live spaces pages as well, but I'm sure if you are that turned on by them, you can find that stuff on your own. Also I'm lazy. And all that stuff is blocked where I'm posting this. And I don't have internet access. Computers are illegal where I am. I made some of those up. Ok, I'm rambling at this point.

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