#MusicMonday - 10.5.09 - Washed Out  

Monday, October 05, 2009

This #MusicMonday is exemplary of everyone's favorite type of post on D > D: short and sweet.

I'll be 100% honest and say I do not know a lot about Washed Out, the stage name, if you will, of one Ernest Greene. What I do know about him, is that he is a musician, and one that I am starting to appreciate in a very sizable way. To my knowledge, his EP "Life of Leisure," is his first release. I have not listened to all six tracks equally, however, as one stands out (to me at least) above the rest. "You'll see it," makes me think of several things all at once. On one hand, if I had to label it, I'd say it is borderline experimental. It is definitely "music," as the "normal," people would say, but there is something very much out there about the track. On the other hand, listening to the track evokes memories of "the 80's," in my mind. I almost hate to use that phrase, since some of you will no doubt be tempted to write it off with a dismissive raising of your eyebrow and a quick click of the little X on this particular tab (those of you that make it through the initial soundscape and, let me add at this point, that yes, it is supposed to sound like that). It took me three or four listens to take in all the complexity of the sound, so, if nothing else, I'd say at least give it a chance. And now, onto the goods.

Surely not an official release, since I don't even know if this is the picture from the cd cover, but nonetheless, here is "You'll see it," in all its glory.

Gratuitous youtube linkery.

So, for those of you that made it through that (or cheated and just scrolled down without listening...tsk tsk), here is some bonus material. Ernest Greene's blog is an interesting collection of images, video and music. Here is, again in my opinion, a great use of time on the beach.

Wow, you're still reading this thing? Glutton for punishment, are we? Well, here is some "critical" acclaim from pichfork.com (quickly becoming one of my favorite websites) in regards to the Washed Out track we just listened to. Enjoy!

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