Introducing, screw it  

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Q: Have you ever wondered what Dora and Diego actually do to make money? I have and the only plausible explanation is that Diego trades in exotic animals (ever notice that everything he saves is highly prized as some sort of ancient remedy) and Dora is simply a Colombian drug courier (how else do you explain a magic backpack full of "stars" that makes everything better).
--Steve, Petaluma, Calif.

SG: You're dead on. I also think Max and Ruby's grandmother is an ex-con with multiple aliases and outstanding warrants.

From a recent BSG mailbag...

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2 comments: to “ Introducing, screw it

  • Jford
    3:47 PM  

    You need to be cut-off good Sir!

    P.S. Thanks but I am nervous about trying to go under 48 tomorrow, but I am gonna give it a try!

  • bytdl
    4:22 PM  

    This is a really great blog! It's very entertaining, I have really enjoyed reading all the articles and stories. Thanks for sharing, and feel free to visit me back :)

    ~Simon Richvelt~