#MusicMondayTuesday - 2.16.10 - Flaming Lips - DSotM  

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ah, finally, a new week is upon us and time for that favorite pastime of yours, #MusicMonday....

What's that you say? It's Tuesday?! What the...why didn't someone tell me. I need this kind of info people. Let's just pretend like this is going really well.

So, I know I've used the whole "MusicTuesday" bit with ya'll before and I'm starting to think that I've used the "pretend like this is going really well," thing too. But, I'm really excited. Uber excited, if you will. This week's MusicMonday involves a nice juxtaposition of a classic and, what could be considered a "new" classic. What has me even more excited is that next week's MusicMonday will literally blow your mind. It's blowing my mind as I type this. I hate it when I have a post ready to go for MM, then before it can get posted, I hear something even newer and awesomer (probably a real word), that the new post gets me more excited than the original new post (heretofore the "old" post). I almost feel guilty, that the next post will supersede this one in many ways, but screw it, we're not in next week yet. Ok, I think I'll shut the hype machine off and get to the matter at hand.

You're already familiar with Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. If you're not, well, then you should probably find a new blog to read. Ok, now that they are gone, I'll assume you're also familiar with the Flaming Lips. Never really a big fan myself, although I did get a big kick out of "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots" and "The Soft Bulletin", I was primarily turned off by a certain song that shall remain nameless.

All of that has changed with the release of the Flaming Lips' cover of Dark Side of the Moon. I can't even get into how huge this disc is here (especially since I've already written a novella so far), but trust me when I say, if you like DSotM, you'll like this album. I don't think any cover of DSotM could ever "outdo" the original, but I really don't think that was Coyne and the gang's idea here. I think they have created an incredible musical "reimagining" of the original. It is different, sure, but amazing nonetheless.

Give it a listen. Go buy it. Get ready for next week. Talk at you later!

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