Golden Tate finds maple bars irresistible  

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Read that headline again and see if makes any more sense to you.

It didn't make any more sense to me either.  Golden Tate is a wide receiver for the Seattle Seahawks.  Apparently, he finds maple bars irresistible.

Per the ESPN article...

RENTON, Wash. -- Seahawks rookie wide receiver Golden Tate apologized Tuesday and said he was "very embarrassed" after police in suburban Seattle gave him a warning for trespassing into a gourmet doughnut shop at 3 a.m. last weekend.

The former Notre Dame star says it was a foolish mistake but that he is glad to have learned a valuable lesson without getting arrested.

Tate says a friend took a couple of maple bars from the shop, which is at the bottom of the building in which Tate lives.

He says "they are irresistible."

Seahawks coach Pete Carroll says he has talked to Tate, and agrees that maple bars can be irresistible.

The emphasis on that last sentence was all me.  I just wanted to call attention to the fact that, Pete Carroll, one of the highest paid football coaches in the NFL, talked to an impressionable rookie football player and, rather than suggest he not break into doughnut shops at 3am, he decided simply to agree that Tate's baked good of choice was indeed irresistible.  Ladies and gentlemen, your 2010 Seattle Seahawks!!

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