The Flaming Lips
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
I'm sick of posting a few times, then missing a few days, then having to do the obligitory "sorry I haven't posted lately." So, rather than do the responsible thing and promise to post regularly, I'm taking the easy way out and just skipping the "where I been/sorry havent posted" posts.
Now that we're clear on that, the Flaming Lips are apparently pretty decent and I've just been missing out. I was kinda turned off by the "She don't use jelly...VASELINE," song, but since then, through my usual means, I've heard a couple of good songs. Intel I think used "Yoshimi battles the pink robots," in one of their commercials touting how great the Pentium's multimedia capabilities were. Tonight, I find out that the recent Dell Inspiron commercial (the one with all the different colored laptops that match up with people) features "the W.A.N.D." from their 2006 album "At War with the Mystics." I guess I should'nt be basing a band's talent (or my respect/like for them) on a couple of commercials, but so far I've been impressed by them.
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