Mid-week explosion  

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

So, this post will mostly be what would usually qualify as a weekly wrapup, but since it is barely the middle of the week and so much stuff has happened, I figured I'd better update.

First things first, at work, we just announced today that we have merged with an accounting firm from North Carolina. I'm sure more details will pour out, but for now, suffice it to say that we are joining one of the biggest (if not the biggest) accounting firms in the Southeast United States.

Up next, my new exercise routine. Monday and today, I have awoken at 5:45, got my crap together and started running for 20 minutes. I know two days does not a workout routine make, and that 20 minutes per trip does not sound like that much, but its fairly grueling so far. It has been cold on both days and it was raining this morning. I intend to increase my time starting next week. Gotta get in shape for basketball and flag football!

In "Losing Big Sensibly," news, I have lost 2.6% of my original body weight, which puts me in a tie for 4th place.

Finally, some links for you:
Keepvid.com - an awesome site that will let you extract (for lack of a better term) video from video sites like youtube, break.com, iFilm, etc. I believe everything generated from this website will end up in a .flv format. One freeware player that can handle .flv files is...

VLC Media Player - a freeware player that is less intrusive than quicktime, has a smaller footprint that windows media player and handles dvd and other videos better than powerdvd. Did I mention that it is free?

Vixy.net - very similar to keepvid.com, the difference being that this will let you create different types of video files and, the reason I frequent the site, creating an mp3 from a video from sites like youtube, break.com, iFilm, etc. Sounds familiar, I know. This site, like keepvid.com, is free!

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3 comments: to “ Mid-week explosion

  • Jford
    12:01 AM  

    Dude, Glad to hear you have dusted off the running shoes and are getting out there, and even better that you are pounding the pavement and going against the elements. I run at night, so I hear ya about running in the cold and rain (was way to windy tongiht, really had a hard time) So remember, 20 minutes in the morning, in the cold or rain, is alot more than any of the other guys are out doing in the morning! So just remember that when you are out there!

  • Brandon
    12:31 AM  

    I ran for the first time in 2008 today. I ran 4 miles and walked 1.5, but I have to admit, even I'm not man enough to run outside. Way to go!

  • Unknown
    6:44 AM  

    Explosion is right - Matt has been remarkably strong on this diet at the office, but this week the business lunches . . .