Weekly wrapup breakdown  

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

So, the other day, I was ready to post about The Black Crowe's latest album (Warpaint) being better, in my opinion than Widespread Panic's latest offering (Free Somehow), which would've been quite surprising to anyone who knows how much of a WSP fan I am.

Then I thought I would instead post about the Halo 3 Heroic map pack that I just downloaded. Sorta big news, since I love Halo 3, but the Heroic map pack only has 3 maps and was $10. By the way, Foundry and Standoff are both fun...haven't played Rat's Nest yet, but overall, lets just say that I'm glad I didn't spring the Hamilton for 3 maps!

Finally, after striking a deal with the MSM, I thought I'd post about a topic any of my long time readers might have thought I had forgotten about: cold brew coffee. (by the way, here is a picture of the coffee lab set back up and in production:)

But instead, I will post about the saga of car disasters that befell the mini Babbs yesterday. My Pontiac (that will heretofor be referred to as Big Red) has had some overheating issues lately, which culminated in its almost total meltdown whilst driving to and from a work location. Long story short, there is a problem in between the radiator, coolant resivoir or head gasket. Not so bad you say, just call Jessica and have her pick me up? Jessica had a flat. After I managed to get Big Red home, I went to change Jessica's flat and found that her spare was also flat (both damaged enough that they cold not be patched). So, after a few phone calls to the aforementioned MSM, I was able to borrow a ride in the CRV to get the tire replaced. Today I got the wheel (new tire and all) back on the Saturn and for now, all is well (that banging sound you hear is me KNOCKING ON WOOD). But Matt, what about Big Red? Well, our semi-regular mooch fest dinner appointment with Susan & Michael payed off more than usual: they let us borrow their mini van (that heretofore will be referred to as Oh, the Minivan). So, that leaves me in the Saturn and Jessica soccer-momming in Oh, the Minivan.

Final score: Babbs -2 cars, +2 cars, for a bottom line net change of 0. Any week that you don't stay at -2 in the vehicle column is what I would call a good week!

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2 comments: to “ Weekly wrapup breakdown

  • MSM
    10:58 PM  

    Sure hoping I have a container of cold-brew ready for me tomorrow!

  • Matt
    8:16 AM  

    Your coffee is ready! I could only measure the "regular coffee," (the non-hazelnut variety) and got 20oz. I'm assuming the hazelnut is in the same vacinity, since I used the same amount of coffee and water for both.

    The "regular" is in a container with some plastic wrap on top but it is NOT SECURE, as in, don't just set it somewhere and assume it'll be fine if it turns over. It needs a rubber band or something to hold it on tight. The hazelnut is in a pitcher, but feel free to take whichever you want!